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Our Groups

Daycare Group 2


Group 2 caters for children that are between the ages of 1 and 2 years. We have a dedicated teacher with an assistant that takes care of our small toddlers group. This is the age of learning, how to share and especially how to play with our friends. We begin to learn how much fun painting and crayons are during our morning routine. How wonderful the playground is… we love climbing, running, play dough, finger painting and riding bikes on the playground.


This is the year we learn to start talking, communicating and love of the world around us.


Daycare Group 3


Group 3 caters for children that are between the ages of 2 and 3 years.  We have a dedicated teacher and two assistants. Group 3 is the year our little one’s are eager to please. We have a wonderful sense of humor. We are very active and love all sorts of climbing and exploring games. We can use 50-300 words in our vocabulary...and know what we want. We are learning our boundaries and self.


We love to play and have organized activities. We can draw simple shapes, count to 3, complete a six piece puzzle, know how to use the toilet, follow simple instructions and have a fun day learning and  playing. These are our wonderful Group 3's.



Group 4


Group 4 caters for children that are between the ages of 3 and 4 years.  We have a dedicated teacher with an assistant. This is our group that love to feel independent,  develop personalities, are outgoing, friendly and establish close relationships with peers. We may have tantrums at times and are learning our self control over mood swings.


We are learning to count, hold our crayons in the tripod grip and follow basic instructions...this is the year we have lots of fun being us...our teacher is with us every step of the way. 



Group 5


Group 5 caters for children that are between the ages of 4 and 5 years.  We have a dedicated teacher for our Grade 00 group. This is our Group that loves to feel special and achieve to the best of their abilities. We have 1500 words in our vocabulary now and start being generous and learning how to take turns. We love friends and often play with one or two of them at a time.


We enjoy learning, can hold our pencil correctly, can cut on a solid or curved line and follow many instructions. We learn so much in our Group 5 year to build our foundation for Grade R. We love praise and encouragement and our teacher is there help advise on schools for Grade

R and further.

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